The most common disease in cattle : Its symptoms and prevention with Cattle Medicine

Veterinary Medicine

1. Mastitis
Mastitis causes inflation in the udder. There is a higher amount of swelling, pain, and redness in the udder. The milk color changes and there is even a reduction in the milk production capacity in the cattle. Mastitis is majorly caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. In order to prevent it at an early stage with Cattle Medicine, you must change the milking techniques and should also make sure that the udders are being checked from time to time. Food hygiene is a must, and you should not skip the good hygienic practices from your routine.

2. Foot and Mouth Diseases
The foot and mouth disease is a highly contagious disease that affects cloven-footed animals. The most common symptoms of the foot and mouth disease includes fever, blisters in mouth, and teats on the skin between the arms & foot. Those animals that have recovered from this disease have deformed hoofs. It’s the most common symptom as well. In order to prevent this common disease with Cattle Medicine, you need to have a control of the flies. There should be a proper management system for the milch animals. Vaccinations should be provided at a regular interval of time.

3. Johne’s Diseases
If the milk producing capacity of the cow decreases or there is a sudden weight loss amongst the cattle; then your cattle is being affected by the Johne’ Diseases. It primarily affects the small intestine and is caused by the Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis (MAP) infection. One should take strict biosecurity measures and vaccines should be taken at regular intervals.

4. Pox
This is a highly contagious disease which causes mortality of 20% to 50%. This disease begins with a high fever, followed by skin lesions around the eyes & inner side of the thighs. Internal organs like lungs, kidneys, and intestines will also remain affected. The affected animals should be treated with palliatives. Go for soft diet and burn the infected litter immediately. Wash the ulcers of the skin with potassium lotion. Hygiene should be maintained and these precautions should be followed religiously since this is a deadly disease.

5. Blue Tongue
This disease is transmitted by midges. Although the cattle get more frequently affected by the sheeps, however, they show no symptoms. The clinical signs include nasal discharge, swelling of head and neck, conjunctivitis, tiredness, and fever. In order to prevent this disease, there should be control over the diet. A nutritious and healthy diet should be followed.

A healthy welfare of the cattle is necessary. Proper nutrition, vaccination, and healthy management of the cattle is important. The preventive measures should be immediately taken in order to prevent the disease from spreading at lightning speed.